Frequently Asked Questions
TFM has an abundant selection of Oklahoma Grown seasonal fruits & veggies, responsibly grown meats (beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken), a variety of farm fresh eggs, goat dairy products, honey, bedding plants, herbs, fresh cut flowers, natural bodycare, baked goods, prepared foods and artisan crafts such as ceramics and woodcrafts. Click here for market news and updates.
Effective April 12, 2014, the Tulsa Farmers’ Market prohibits pets in the market space. Service animals are welcome.
The market is a ‘rain or shine’ event, so don’t let a little precipitation stand between you and fresh produce. We do care about your safety, however, so rest assured we’ll inform you of any market closings due to inclement weather.
All agricultural products at the Tulsa Farmers’ Market have been certified as authentic Oklahoma stock verified through farm visits. TFM is also a Producer Grown market and therefore buying and reselling is also strictly prohibited. For vendors who offer prepared foods, or packaged goods, we ask that they use Oklahoma based ingredients in their products whenever possible. We do this to promote OK agriculture and to ensure our local economy prospers from the market.
Cash is the most common currency at the market. All vendors accept cash, but only some can process cards or accept contactless payments such as ApplePay, CashApp or Venmo. However, debit, credit, SNAP, and SFMNP cards can be used at TFM’s Token booth in exchange for market tokens that may then be spent with the vendors. The TFM booth can also accept Venmo and ApplePay for token payments. Each token transaction has a $1 fee for any amount redeemed. TFM tokens never expire and will be accepted by any TFM vendor that sells a qualifying product.
Yes! SNAP users can swipe their cards at the TFM Token booth to receive tokens that may be spent with vendors. SNAP benefits are even doubled dollar for dollar, up to $20, per market day with the Double Up Oklahoma (DUO) program. SNAP and DUO tokens come in $1 increments and never expire. SNAP eligible foods include any food products excluding hot ready-to-eat foods. DUO tokens may only be used on fresh fruits, vegetables, plants that produce food, herbs, and processed fruits and veggies (canned, frozen, dried, etc) only if no salt, sugar or fat have been added.
TFM accepts applications year round, however, for best consideration applicants should submit their applications by Jan. 31st for the upcoming season. Applications will be published no later than December 1st for the following year. All prospective vendors should read and review TFM’s rules and regulations to ensure their products qualify for TFM. Rules & Regulations as well as applications can be found on the Applications Page.
Customers are welcome to park along Lewis Ave, Atlanta Ave and West Admiral blvd as well as the parking lots behind Circle Cinema, Ziegler’s, SheBrews Coffee, & St Francis Xavier Church.