Green Farm

Meet Green Farm owned and operated by Sho Vue & Xai Lee in Skiatook, OK.

After living in Syracuse, NY for over 20 years Sho and Xai relocated to Oklahoma in 2007 for a change of scenery and to escape those frigid Winters!

Once in Oklahoma, they finally had the space to grow a garden. Sho & Xai grew up farming in Laos so it’s second nature to them! Just the two of them farm around two acres of land AND they work full time off the farm at their tailor shop, Mee’s Tailor Shop at 91st & Sheridan! We cannot stress how hard working these folks are!

Not only are they working around the clock, but they are also very involved in their culture. Sho & Xai are Hmong and came to the United States in their late teens. They met in a refugee camp in Minnesota after US troops pulled out of Southeast Asia in the 70s. They have been active advocating on behalf of the Hmong people and just last month they were invited to the State Capital for the declaration of Hmong Day, May 15th!

Evan Wei-Haas

Evan has worked with numerous successful organizations and specializes in creative, cost effective digital solutions. He will communicate with you closely, every step of the way, and will obsessively work to ensure your success and confidence through beautiful, modern design.

Goodytwos Toffee


Green Horse