Tria Yang Farm

Nestled in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma, Tria Yang Farm is a charming family-owned agricultural gem. Spanning 10 lush acres, our farm is a labor of love, dedicated to the cultivation of seasonal vegetables and the artistry of fresh-cut flower bouquets.

As spring arrives, our fields burst forth with the sweet crunch of radishes, the crisp delight of lettuce, and the breathtaking beauty of tulips. With the summer sun, dahlias grace our landscape, and plump, sun-ripened tomatoes abound. Come fall, our bounty is nearly limitless.

Every element of our flourishing farm stands as a testament to Dai's steadfast work ethic and tireless dedication. From tending to our gardens with care to meticulously handpicking and washing each delicate piece of produce, Dai is the driving force behind it all. What you find at the market is the outcome of Dai's unwavering commitment and her unyielding passion for her craft.

Our farm is named after Tria, Dai's husband, who is a constant presence by her side at the market. For over a decade, Dai and Tria have been esteemed vendors at the Tulsa Farmers' Market, a tradition that began in 2008, the same year their youngest daughter, Lailai, came into the world. Now, you can find Lailai at the market, ready to share her expertise and offer veggie recommendations.

At Tria Yang Farm, we're not just growing produce; we're cultivating a family legacy and sharing the harvest of our labor with the community we hold dear. Come visit us and experience the fruits of our passion and commitment.

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Evan Wei-Haas

Evan has worked with numerous successful organizations and specializes in creative, cost effective digital solutions. He will communicate with you closely, every step of the way, and will obsessively work to ensure your success and confidence through beautiful, modern design.



T’s Kitchen Door